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Working People

Jan 31, 2019

Represented by UNITE HERE Local 11, workers at hotels in Southern California have been taking bold and necessary actions to secure a contract that addresses workers’ serious concerns: from receiving fairer wages that can actually allow workers to keep up with high costs of living, to mitigating the constant threat of sexual harassment and abuse workers in these hotels face every day, especially considering that the vast majority of hotel and hospitality workers are women, many of whom have to work on their own, isolated.  Thanks to our friend Glynndana Shevlin (Season 1, Episode 2), we were able to talk about all of this with Maria Isabel, a hotel maid, and Ada Tamayo, an organizer for UNITE HERE Local 11. The four of us sat down and had an important chat about the struggles hotel workers face in Anaheim and elsewhere. 


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Featured Music (all songs sourced from the Free Music Archive:

  • Lobo Loco, "Malte Junior - Hall"
  • Cordero, "Heart in Me"