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Working People

Dec 5, 2018

2018: On the Monday after Thanksgiving, General Motors workers in the U.S. and Canada learned of the company's announcement that it would be idling five plants and cutting around 14,000 jobs. In this urgent, multi-episode series, we will be talking to workers at plants in Ohio, Michigan, and Canada. In Part I, we talk to Rochelle Carlisle, Tommy Wolikow, and Nanette Senters, three GM workers from the iconic GM plant in Lordstown, OH. 


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Featured Music (all songs sourced from the Free Music Archive:

  • Lobo Loco, "Malte Junior - Hall"
  • Breath Before the Plunge, "Black & Blue"
  • Derek Clegg, "The Mountains Will Collide"
  • Cletus Got Shot, “Charlie Jones”