Jun 7, 2019
We wrap up Season Two by chatting with Erin Fristad. Erin is currently an adjunct professor at a community college and she works with combat veterans as an equine therapy specialist. She is also a writer and she worked in the commercial fishing industry around Alaska for many years. We talk about her time as a commercial fisherwoman, how she ended up there, what sort of jobs she did, and what sort of people she worked with. We also talk about the FisherPoets Gathering, where members of the commercial fishing community come together once a year to share their stories. And we talk about what it’s meant for Erin to find and express her own voice as a writer and a worker, and about what it’s meant for her to be able to teach others to do the same.
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Featured Music (all songs sourced from the Free Music Archive: freemusicarchive.org)